Press Releases
eMedia Card Designer on Cartes'2004 exhibit.
eMedia Card Designer
at Cartes'2004 exhibit
Paris, France - november 2, 2004 -
eMedia Card Designer was present on the Cartes'2004 exhibit in Paris as
Mediasoft Technologies is a privileged Evolis partner. The latest release of the software were presented to the
visitors, including the new application features.
Numerous visitors had the ability to try the software coupled
with Evolis printers and were very interested in the capabilities of eMedia Card
Designer. "The ability to create and printing customized cards in less than five
minutes were one of the most appreciated advantage I saw in this software", said
a visitor. "The power of the DBChoice plug-in will be very usefull in our
applications", said another one.
These examples of visitors reactions in front of the software
capabilities definitely demonstrate that eMedia Card Designer is one of the best
plastic cards customization and printing programs currently on the market.
Mediasoft Technologies also announces the release 6.0 of the
software for the first quarter 2005. This new release will include many exciting
functions for everyone, such as:
Direct encoding of smart cards and contactless smart cards,
A simplified interface for expressions creation,
New look and feel for numerous application parts,
New wizards for creation tasks.
Mediasoft Technologies has been founded in 1990 by three
computer engineers that were involved in new technologies development. The
domains covered by the company are development, consulting and education. The
company domains of competence covers the software and systems interconnection,
network management, client-server software development and internet/intranet
development. The company is a branch of the AGD Technologies group.