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eMedia Card Designer choosen by the French Parliament.


Paris, France - june 2, 2003 - eMedia Card Designer has been chosen by the technical department of the French parliament, in association with the Evolis "New Pebble" card printers and with the "ADN Manager" access control software from the TYCO Integrated Solutions group.

eMedia Card Designer will be used as a COM server by the "ADN Manager" application, to perform the graphical personalization and the magnetic and electronic encoding of the cards that will be used by the deputies and the employees of the Palais Bourbon.

The hardware and software solution set up will permit to deliver an identity card and to validate the readers in less than 30 seconds.

The inter-processes communication abilities of eMedia Card Designer made the difference in front of its challengers. Basically, the ability to take control over the software from another process has been the main fact that made eMedia to be selected by the integrators and the customer.




Mediasoft Technologies has been founded in 1990 by three computer engineers that were involved in new technologies development. The domains covered by the company are development, consulting and education. The company domains of competence covers the software and systems interconnection, network management, client-server software development and internet/intranet development. The company is a branch of the AGD Technologies group.

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